What a year 2017 has been for Mints CD Consulting!
Amongst many achievements for the year, ones that have stood out are having grown a small but exclusive clientele list (and getting amazing results along the way), becoming a Profit First Professional (which you can learn more about by exploring our Profit First page), and winning the 2017 Bx Networker of the Year award.
But not one to rest in this ever changing business landscape, we are now gearing up for an even bigger and better 2018. Which all kicks off with the launch of this new and improved website which I am a tad excited about.
Off the back of this we a have a great content strategy where we’ll be sharing the latest updates, tips and ideas on how to make your business more profitable in 2018 than you ever have been before. So take the time now to connect on all our social media channels to keep up to date with what we share. Like us on Facebook, join the Mints CD Info to Grow Facebook group, connect with me on LinkedIn, follow us on Twitter, and subscribe to Mints CD TV.
Wishing you every success in your business journey for 2018…it’s going to be a great year!